Mali is a landlocked country in West Africa where half of its population lives on less than $1.25 per day. Access to clean water is a major problem, particularly in rural areas where 45% of people lack access to clean water.
In 2014, a group of engineering students and professors from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign traveled to Mali to train a rural village in the use of BioSand Filters with the hopes that local community members could start a filter business in the future.
When the group arrived in Mali, they realized the steel mold they had contracted to be made by a local welder had been made incorrectly. Searching for an alternative solution, they found us online, contacted us, and within a matter of days had downloaded our instruction manual, purchased the necessary materials, and successfully constructed several Wood Molds. They did all of this with very little instruction from OHorizons' staff and with no electricity!
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