At OHorizons we are committed to ensuring that everyone has the ability to live a healthy, productive, and dignified life. Access to clean water is an essential first step in making this vision a reality. At first look, the water situation may seem bleak:

  • Nearly 2 billion people use a water source that is contaminated with feces

  • 50% of under-nutrition cases are due to water-related diseases

  • Diarrhea and dysentery are among the leading causes of death for children under 5

  • Globally, women and children spend 125 million hours each day collecting water.

  • The water crisis was named the #1 global threat to society by the World Economic Forum in 2015.

We agree, but also see cause for optimism. Giving clean water not only improves people’s health, but it also has the potential to improve entire economies. 

The World Health Organization estimates that investing $1 in drinking water infrastructure in South Asia yields a $3.70 return, the highest of any developing region worldwide: this means a $10 donation to our Bangladesh project can not only provide a person with clean drinking water, but it can yield an economic return of over $35!

Access to clean drinking water can positively improve the health and well-being of communities and their members in many ways.